The Modern Slavery Act
The Modern Slavery Act came into effect from October 2015.
Poly Textiles Ltd is committed to a work environment that is free from human trafficking, forced labour and unlawful child labour (collectively ‘human trafficking and slavery’). Poly Textiles Ltd believes that it has a responsibility for promoting ethical and lawful employment practices.
Poly Textiles Ltd will not knowingly use unlawful child labour or forced labour in any of the utilities and/or other commodities, products and/or services it provides, nor will it knowingly accept commodities, products and/or services from suppliers that employ or utilise child labour or forced labour.
This policy sets out the high standards of behaviour and integrity that Poly Textiles Ltd requires from it's employees in relation to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to prevent slavery and human trafficking.
Poly Textiles Ltd also requires its suppliers and contractors to respect and follow this policy statement as a core term of any contracts that they may have with any member organisation or business supply chains.